Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thoughts on Support Team Gathering

I recently realized that I have been in the phase of support raising in preparation toward the mission field for about a year now. It was a year ago in February that I completed orientation and was accepted to go serve in Europe with Greater Europe Mission. Thinking back over this year I realized that this has been a time of stretching and growth. I have had to once again face my fear of public speaking (children are easy, adults are so much harder). My patience and faith have both been tested during various times and especially during the last couple months where I haven't seen any increase in my support. Each time God has brought me through and provided. Most recently the provision has come through encouragement from members of the missionary care ministry at church. They are now helping me to make connections with other classes and ministries within our church. Today I finalized a committment to speak to a class in March. This is the first speaking engagement I have had in several months so I am excited to be able to meet with them and share what is on my heart and how God has brought me to this point.

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