Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17th, 2009
I thought since schools and church ministries are getting ready to "kick-off" their new year it would be a good time to recap my current ministry activities.

  • A couple years ago I started to attend the missions ministry meetings at church. Last fall I focused my attention on the Short-Term Missions ministry team. Over this year the team has been reviewing how we support short-term teams from concept through the completion of their trip. My skills have been usful in redesigning the forms and helping to revise the previous documents with the updates we have made this year.
  • Last fall I also volunteered to help keep the missionary prayer letter board up to date with the most recent letters received. I love reading all the letters as I am completing this task each month.

The Mix Ministry (formerly 20/30 Something)

  • I have been a part of the leadership team of this class/ministry for several years. My involvement in the STM ministry team over this last year has made it hard for me to keep up the level of commitment that is expected of a member of this team. So - I resigned my position on the leadership team in May, but plan to remain an active member of the class and participate on the worship team until I am ready to leave for Europe.

For those of you who are wondering... Yes, I am still trying to raise my support to go to Europe. I have spoken to three groups and one-on-one with several people over the last couple of months. In spite of these opportunities the pledges have been slow in coming. I would really appreciate prayer for the following:

  • That the Ministry Partner cards which were taken from the meetings will not be lost, but will be sent in with pledges. I am currently at 27% of the monthly pedges needed.
  • For the meetings a couple of friends are trying to schedule for me with their pastors. The focus of these meetings will be short-term missions trips, but will also be new connections for me.
  • How much you can pledge to support me in this endeavor.
  • For the short-term teams that are currently preparing to go to Europe.