Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kandern, Germany

People have been asking me about where I will be living and working in Europe. The Barn (where I will live & work) is located in the village of Kandern, Germany. Kandern is located in the Black Forest, about a 30 minute drive north of Basel, Switzerland. It is a typical European village in that most things are located within a reasonable walking distance or short commute by bus. I have been told that the closest grocery is about a 5 minute walk from the barn and that other shops that I will need on a regular basis are within walking or bicycling range. There are a couple of churches located in Kandern. And since it is also the location of the Black Forest Academy (a boarding school for children of missionaries) there is a church nearby that is primarily English speaking.
Photo of Kandern from their tourism site

Kandern – Barn Project

The EuroTeam staff members are currently working on a major remodeling project in Kandern between supervising teams all over Europe this year. When the remodel is finished “The Barn” will house the offices of several GEM ministries as well as four apartments. Currently EuroTeam, eDOT (they help train Pastors who are unable to attend a Seminary by providing Internet courses), and GEMStones (video ministry) are using rented office facilities in nearby villages. This building will help these ministries to reduce their overhead costs and be able to divert more funds into their areas of ministry and outreach.
Check out the progress at www.euro-team.org