Friday, June 6, 2008

Divine Appointments

Today while running an errand for work I met a former coworker in a parking lot. We caught up on what each of us are doing, and then as soon as I told her I was preparing to go to Europe as a missionary she asked for info on how to sponsor me. I wasn't expecting to be able to share about EuroTeam when I left work, but I am glad I was ready. God knows what He is doing when he sets up His divine appointments for us.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Church Visit

Both of my speaking engagements this month went well. The missions dessert was a great opportunity to practice in front of a small group of like minded people. Two of my friends came to listen and encourage me.
On May 25th I had the opportunity to share at Philomath Nazarene Church's Sunday evening church service. The service went well, even though I got nervous at the last minute and spoke more quickly than I should have.
Currently, two of the pastors I have contacted this last month are taking my requests to be sponsored by their church boards. Please be in prayer about their decisions.
