Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Letter

I realize it is past Christmas, but I hadn't posted my Christmas letter on my blog...
Dear Friends,
Merry Christmas! I love this time of year! I have spent some of the time leading up to Thanksgiving looking back over this past year and how much has happened. Much of my year has been focused on mission preparations and learning a new job (I received a promotion at work early in January). I have moved through much of the process and many of the preparation steps moving toward serving in Europe. In February, I attended the EuroQuest Orientation at the Greater Europe Mission International Headquarters in Monument, Colorado. Attending helped me to feel more like a team member in a larger mission than the EuroTeam ministry that I will be joining. It has been a year where my faith has been stretched in many ways. While pondering some of the growth I have experienced by moving forward in this step of faith, my thoughts turned to my grandpa who was one of the examples that I learned from while I was growing up. I decided to look back through some notes he wrote after he had a stroke that made if hard for him to talk and found this:
"We were working on a project at ---- dairy when the Lord asked me to give $100 a month to the Gideon work. On Monday night at the camp meeting we did it. On Wednesday a guy came by the job, and wanted us to build a complete dairy for him."

I find encouragement from the examples God provided all of us in His Word, and also that me with a rich heritage of faith. There are so many things I have learned through the examples lived before me by members of my family.
Merry Christmas!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall Newsletter

I have a new newsletter out, if you didn't receive it via email you can find it in jpg format in my photos.

Short Term Missions

Fall is a preparatory season for Short Term Missions at my church. Our STM Ministry Team is currently reviewing and revising our mission statement and other aspects of how we "do short-term missions" through our chuch. This is also the time of year we receive opportunities from our missionaries around the world for teams to come participate with them during the next year. We review each opportunity with prayer that leaders will be brought forward with a heart to lead and the skills necessary to lead a team in the support of each requesting missionary. This fall the Sunday School ministry team I have served with for the last few years, 20/30 Something, is looking into leading a mission trip for members of our class. I am very excited about the potential opportunities that will be presented to 20/30 leadership as there is an opportunity for us to take a team to Europe with Euro-Team. I am praying about whether it will be possible for me to participate on a trip with my current ministry/church again before I leave Oregon to serve in Europe full-time.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Why Europe

This is a video clip created for Greater Europe Mission. It is part of the presentation I have shown to local churches.

The Barn renovation project is nearing completion. This fall, the staff of each ministry moving in, have been involved in completion of the final touches to the exterior and tiling of the floors, plastering and painting the walls on the interior. The ministries have moved out of their rented space in nearby Mullheim and the staff are currently working from home with most of the office equipment and furniture being stored in two rooms, while the work is being completed on the barn conversion to office and living spaces.Check out the progress at, click on Barn Project at the top of the page.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kandern, Germany

People have been asking me about where I will be living and working in Europe. The Barn (where I will live & work) is located in the village of Kandern, Germany. Kandern is located in the Black Forest, about a 30 minute drive north of Basel, Switzerland. It is a typical European village in that most things are located within a reasonable walking distance or short commute by bus. I have been told that the closest grocery is about a 5 minute walk from the barn and that other shops that I will need on a regular basis are within walking or bicycling range. There are a couple of churches located in Kandern. And since it is also the location of the Black Forest Academy (a boarding school for children of missionaries) there is a church nearby that is primarily English speaking.
Photo of Kandern from their tourism site

Kandern – Barn Project

The EuroTeam staff members are currently working on a major remodeling project in Kandern between supervising teams all over Europe this year. When the remodel is finished “The Barn” will house the offices of several GEM ministries as well as four apartments. Currently EuroTeam, eDOT (they help train Pastors who are unable to attend a Seminary by providing Internet courses), and GEMStones (video ministry) are using rented office facilities in nearby villages. This building will help these ministries to reduce their overhead costs and be able to divert more funds into their areas of ministry and outreach.
Check out the progress at

Friday, June 6, 2008

Divine Appointments

Today while running an errand for work I met a former coworker in a parking lot. We caught up on what each of us are doing, and then as soon as I told her I was preparing to go to Europe as a missionary she asked for info on how to sponsor me. I wasn't expecting to be able to share about EuroTeam when I left work, but I am glad I was ready. God knows what He is doing when he sets up His divine appointments for us.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Church Visit

Both of my speaking engagements this month went well. The missions dessert was a great opportunity to practice in front of a small group of like minded people. Two of my friends came to listen and encourage me.
On May 25th I had the opportunity to share at Philomath Nazarene Church's Sunday evening church service. The service went well, even though I got nervous at the last minute and spoke more quickly than I should have.
Currently, two of the pastors I have contacted this last month are taking my requests to be sponsored by their church boards. Please be in prayer about their decisions.


Saturday, May 3, 2008

May is starting out exciting

I have been working on getting word out about joining my ministry as ministry parners. This month I have two opportunities to speak to groups. The first is at a missions dessert in Eugene on Saturday evening the 17th, and the second is in Philomath at the Church of the Nazarene during their evening service on the last Sunday of May.
I am excited to share about all that EuroTeam does and how I will be becoming a part of it.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Life, Ministry, and Preparations

So much is going on in my family, my current ministries, and preparations for joining EuroTeam.

My newest nephew was born at the end of March and is adorable (I think both my nephews are adorable). I helped with the final preparations to make his room ready for his arrival, and have even had the opportunity to watch him some to give my sister a little break.

We have had leadership changes taking place at 20/30 Something. Our spring retreat is also nearly here. I am excited about spending time both with my friends and with those who are new to our group. Next to come will be the planning of our summer season.

The community center where I have volunteered for the last few year has lost their lease of the old school building. I have also realized that with the additional work I have in gathering ministry partners it is probably better for me to step back from my time there and let others who will be here longer take over my shifts in the little resale shop.

I have started to see pledges coming in, but there is so much more I need to work on to raise all the prayer and financial support I will need to leave for Europe. I am scheduled to talk at a missions dessert on May 17th sponsored by the local missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators. Please be praying that I will be able to limit what I am sharing into the 30 minutes I have been given. I have already tried to contain myself to a 45 minute presentation for a school chapel and felt like I left out so much of what I wanted to say.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Reaching Europe. Transforming Lives. Touching the World.

Dear Friends,

I have long been interested in missions and although I have had many opportunities to work in Christian ministries here in the US my heart has been in reaching Europe. These ministry opportunities have helped me developed skills suitable for the many tasks involved in a missions office. Now I have the opportunity to use these skills in helping EuroTeam, a division of Greater Europe Mission, as they serve the churches, Bible schools, and missionaries throughout Europe. EuroTeam coordinates groups of North American Christians to serve on teams for two-three weeks assisting European churches and missionaries in various ways. These teams provide various services – from construction to teaching English or Computer skills or assisting at mission conferences for agencies serving Europe.

In order for this trip to be possible, I am responsible to raise my monthly support. If you would be willing to help sponsor me financially, any donations will be greatly appreciated. All donations sent to Greater Europe Mission are tax-deductible you can even donate online! It's easy, click on "Give Now", fill in your information, then select me in Missionaries & Projects by selecting Missionaries, then scrolling down to me Fanger, Anna 14970. If you prefer not to give online you may pledge to become a Ministry Partner and mail your check in later (just remember to write 14970 in the memo line).
As important as the financial aspect is, I will value your prayers even more. This is an opportunity of a lifetime, and I feel very fortunate to be able to participate in the ministry EuroTeam. Thank you for helping make it possible.

In His Service,

Anna Fanger

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Dear Friends,

Most people in Europe have a vague acquaintance with Christianity, but no personal faith in Jesus Christ. In fact, only about 2% of Europeans know Jesus as Lord even though much of our Christian history took place in Europe.

I have long been interested in missions and although I have had many opportunities to work in Christian ministries here in the US my heart has been in reaching Europe. These ministry opportunities have helped me developed skills suitable for the many tasks involved in a missions office. Now I have the opportunity to use these skills in helping EuroTeam, a division of Greater Europe Mission, as they serve the churches, Bible schools, and missionaries throughout Europe. EuroTeam coordinates groups of North American Christians to serve on teams for two-three weeks assisting European churches and missionaries in various ways. These teams provide various services – from construction to teaching English or Computer skills or assisting at mission conferences for agencies serving Europe.
“Greater Europe Mission helps people in Europe find faith in Jesus Christ and grow in that faith. We do this by sharing our lives with people and helping them discover the message of the Bible for themselves through Bible study groups, church meetings, street theater, puppetry, sports, music, teaching and more. We reach out to orphans and AIDS patients. We send teams to help construct and repair buildings. We help people study the Bible through Distance Learning in many countries. We seek to come alongside the people and churches in Europe who are following Christ and participate in their efforts to reach the continent for Christ.”

I am currently compiling an email database of those who are interested in hearing from me while I am serving Europe through the EuroTeam office in Kandern, Germany. If you have an email address you would like me to include please email me at .
In His Service,
Anna Fanger