Reaching Europe. Transforming Lives. Touching the World.
Dear Friends,
I have long been interested in missions and although I have had many opportunities to work in Christian ministries here in the US my heart has been in reaching Europe. These ministry opportunities have helped me developed skills suitable for the many tasks involved in a missions office. Now I have the opportunity to use these skills in helping EuroTeam, a division of Greater Europe Mission, as they serve the churches, Bible schools, and missionaries throughout Europe. EuroTeam coordinates groups of North American Christians to serve on teams for two-three weeks assisting European churches and missionaries in various ways. These teams provide various services – from construction to teaching English or Computer skills or assisting at mission conferences for agencies serving Europe.
In order for this trip to be possible, I am responsible to raise my monthly support. If you would be willing to help sponsor me financially, any donations will be greatly appreciated. All donations sent to Greater Europe Mission are tax-deductible you can even donate online! It's easy, click on "Give Now", fill in your information, then select me in Missionaries & Projects by selecting Missionaries, then scrolling down to me Fanger, Anna 14970. If you prefer not to give online you may pledge to become a Ministry Partner and mail your check in later (just remember to write 14970 in the memo line).
As important as the financial aspect is, I will value your prayers even more. This is an opportunity of a lifetime, and I feel very fortunate to be able to participate in the ministry EuroTeam. Thank you for helping make it possible.
In His Service,
Anna Fanger
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15 years ago